Sunday, June 14, 2009

The fastest 360° flip of a car by a team is 5.25 seconds and was achieved by Jervis Manupenu, Jonny Mirza and Pete Hill (all UK) on the set of Guinness World Records Smashed at Pinwood Studios, UK, on 15 April 2009. Watch Guinness World Records Smashed on Sky 1, Sundays at 8pm!

The record for the fastest crossing of the Great Sand Sea by a vehicle is 5 hr 33 min and was achieved by Hesham Nessim (Egypt) between the Gilf Kebir Plateau, and the Siwa Oasis in Egypt, on 5 March 2009.

The longest duration to maintain a Marinelli bend is 33 seconds and was acheived by Iona Oyungerel Luvsandorj (Mongolia) on the set of Guinness World Records Smashed at Pinewood Studios, UK, on 9 April 2009. Watch Guinness World Records Smashed on Sky 1, Sundays at 8 pm!

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